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Fire on ferry in Hareid
On the afternoon of Feb 28, 2025, smoke development was noticed aboard the "Hadarøy", which runs on the Hareid-Sulesund route, during loading and unloading operations in the port of Hareid. The ferry was evacuated, but neither the crew nor the passengers were injured. After the announcement came over the loudspeaker that the ferry had to be evacuated due to an incident in the engine room, first the people ran ashore, but we were able to retrieve their cars. The fire department went on board and was able to determine that there had been a fire in a high-voltage room below deck with open flames. The fire fighters got the fire under control. There had been no fire in the battery packs on the ferry. Report with photos: https://www.smp.no/nyheter/i/o3mvOm/innstiller-a-ruta-paa-hareid-sulesund
Ferry crew rescued man lost over board
In the afternoon of May 16, 2022, a man fell overboard the 'Hadarøy' between Hareid and Sulesund. He was quickly picked up by the RIB which was launched from the ferry, and was transported to Hareid, where he was taken care of by the health service and the police. The condition of the man was unclear.
Ferry suffered techincal trouble
The ferry route Hareid-Sulesund was interrupted for four hours on April 9, 2019, after the "Hadarøy" suffered a technical problem in the morning. The ferry «Suløy» was deployed as a replacement while different suppliers were called and tried to resolve the problem at the quay in Hareid. The ferry sailed from Hareid on April 11 en route to Hjorungavaag.
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