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Scalloper grounded in Kirkcudbright
Five men had to be rescued after the "Accord - N 262" ran aground near Kirkcudbright in the night of March 31, 2017. The vessel got stuck within metres of the town's lifeboat station and was taking on water after hitting the rocks and had sent a distress signal around 1 a.m. The Kirkcudbright Coastguard Rescue Team, Kirkcudbright, Portpatrick and Workington RNLI Lifeboats were sent to the scene. All five people were rescued safely and taken to shore. The vessel was inspected by a local engineer and the Harbour Master. There was no visible pollution at this stage, but the Maritime & Coastguard Agency Counter Pollution Team and the Scottish Environment Group have been notified and were actively monitoring the vessel as a precautionary measure. The Maritime and Coastguard Agency co-ordinated recovery efforts. The local engineering firm R & A carried out temporary repairs to the "Accord"'s hull. The Workington and Portpatrick RNLI all weather Lifeboats attempted to tow the vessel into Kirkcudbright Harbour on the high afternoon tide, this was succesfull at 2 p.m. and they had arrived safely in the harbour around 4.15 p.m. Reports with photos and video: http://www.dng24.co.uk/18559-2/ http://www.dailyrecord.co.uk/news/local-news/spectacular-pictures-fishing-boat-runs-10132971 http://www.bbc.com/news/uk-scotland-south-scotland-39455212 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LpHFx-HAlSI&sns=fb
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