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Fishing vessel kept afloat by RNLI boat
The RNLI volunteers from Wick responded to a Mayday call of the "Sardonyx II" on Oct 9, 2017, at 2 p.m., with two panicked fishermen reporting a large ingress of water about a mile east of Noss Head. The vessel’s own pumps were unable to cope with the volume coming aboard, and the stern was starting to submerge. The lifeboat crew arrived at the scene within 20 minutes of the distress call, and two volunteers clambered aboard the stricken ship armed with a salvage pump. They helped stem the flow of water and the vessel was gradually pumped out. This enabled the fishing boat to make for Wick with all pumps working, and escorted by the lifeboat in case of any further developments. Both vessels arrived safely in Wick Harbour 45 minutes later and the casualty was lifted from the water by crane for repairs. Reports with photo and video: https://www.pressandjournal.co.uk/fp/news/highlands/1338572/wick-lifeboat-comes-to-rescue-of-sinking-trawler/ http://www.johnogroat-journal.co.uk/News/Two-men-rescued-from-sinking-fishing-boat-11102017.htm
FVSARDONYX SY206 234311000
The "Sardonyx" on Apr 24, 2011, saved the crew of 4 of the 22-metre long f/v "Strathelliot" which sank 90 miles north east of Fraserburgh at about 1330 BST. The "Strathelliot" sprang a leak and started taking in water. The skipper of the "Sardonyx" rescued the crew from a liferaft and stuck around as the "Strathelliot" sank stern first within an hour. Report with photos: http://swns.com/fishermen-watch-in-horror-as-prize-boat-sinks-261654.html
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