1013 days ago
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Trawler grounded in storm Xaver
Ther "Saint Nicolas - BL 788028", 101,36 gt, ran aground at Dec 5, 2013, at 2.30 p.m. near the port of Boulogne at the Crèche tip. The CROSS dispatched a Dragon 62-helicopter of the Civil Security to evacuate the five crew members. They were airlifted and dropped off at the helipad behind the port. No injuries were reported. The ship was in tow of another trawler, the "Savior de Monde", after a propeller damage caused by a drifting object. In the storm Xaver the towing wire broke and the ship drifted rapidly towards the coast finally getting stuck on the beach. French reports with photos and video: http://www.bateaux-fecamp.fr/pages/Echouement_du_chalutier_Saint_Nicolas_BL788028--8836678.html http://www.lasemainedansleboulonnais.fr/actualite/la_une/2013/12/05/article_boulogne_un_chalutier_s_eacute_choue_agr.shtml http://www.lavoixdunord.fr/region/boulogne-un-chalutier-s-echoue-sur-la-plage-video-ia31b49030n1751951
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