63 days ago
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Fishing vessel disabled off Eastbourne
The Eastbourne Lifeboat was called out to assist the crew of the town’s largest commercial fishing vessel "Royal Sovereign" on Feb 2, 2018, after the boat’s propeller became tangled in rope. The RNLI crew set off at around 1.30 p.m. after a call for help from the vessel. The fishing boat had been working six miles offshore when it became entangled and anchored to the seabed. Unable to manoeuvre or clear the obstruction the crew had no option but to call for help. The "Royal Sovereign"’s sister ship "Beachy Head", which was also working in the area, came to assist – managing to cut the "Royal Sovereign" free but was unable to unjam its propeller. Once on scene, the lifeboat crew attached a towline and carefully guided the heavy casualty through the narrow entrance to the marina locks and into Sovereign Harbour. Report with photos: https://www.eastbourneherald.co.uk/news/lifeboat-crew-rescues-eastbourne-s-largest-fishing-boat-1-8363697
Royal Thames to the rescue of Royal Sovereign
Eastbourne RNLI’s all-weather lifeboat went to the assistance of the town’s largest fishing vessel "Royal Sovereign" in the afternoon of May 31, 2012, after it had suffered a steering malfunction whilst approaching Sovereign Harbour. The vessel reported to Dover Coastguard that it had developed steering problems whilst returning to port and required assistance. Eastbourne’s all-weather lifeboat "The Royal Thames" was tasked to rendezvous with the stricken vessel five miles offshore to assist. The vessel was taken under tow and returned to the safety of the locks at Sovereign Harbour. Report with photo: http://www.rnli.org.uk/who_we_are/press_centre/news_releases/news_release_detail?articleid=774498
Fishing vessel towed in to Eastbourne after steering problems
EASTBOURNE RNLI’s all-weather lifeboat went to the assistance of the town’s largest fishing vessel on Thursday afternoon after it had suffered a steering malfunction whilst approaching Sovereign Harbour The 40 tonne fishing vessel, Royal Sovereign, reported to Dover Coastguard that it had developed steering problems whilst returning to port and required assistance. http://www.eastbourneherald.co.uk/news/local-news/fishing-vessel-towed-in-to-eastbourne-after-steering-problems-1-3907883
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