12 days ago
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Grounding on rocks in Brønnøy Sound
The "Svebas ran aground on July 9, 2012, around 8 a.m. in the southern Brønnøy Sound with a crew of three on board enroute Sogn in Fjordane - Narvik. The ship got stuck on rocks at Ormøygalten south of Klubben. The lifeboat "UNI Helgeland" was called. On arrival, the vessel was high and dry on the rocks due to the falling tide. The crew was evacuated. Attempts to refloat the ship in the afternoon aroudn 3.30 p.m. failed. The "Svebas" was refloated by the tug "Polar Bison" in the night of July 10. The trawler proceeded with own power into the Brønnøy Sound then. Norwegian reports with photos: http://www.banett.no/nyheter/article561163.ece http://www.banett.no/nyheter/article561009.ece
FLIPPER 9229441
The name of the wessel has been changed to "Vestøy" or "Vestoey"
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