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Net dragged man into the sea
A 19 year old crew member of the "Fiskenes" from Langevåg died in an accident in the night of Mar 25, 2012, while the ship was fishing off Rørvik. The Rescue Coordination Centre (RCC) for southern Norway was informed that he went overboard on Mar 24 at 11.55 p.m. when the vessel was six miles west of Rørvik. Two helicopters, a lifeboat and up to seven other vessels took part in the search for the man. There was relatively good weather in the area when the accident happened, with a light breeze and good visibility. Around 4 a.m. he was found dead in the sea by the crew of the "Nesbakken". They found him at the end of the yarn. He had hooked his feet stuck in the ropes when the net was put out and had been dragged into the sea then. On Mar 25 the "Fiskenes" was on the way back to Sunnmøre. The deceased was brought to St. Olav Hospital in Trondheim for an autopsy.
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