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Mosvik sailing again afte rcausing million damage
On July 19 at 6.30 p.m. the "Mosvik" finally left the port of Kiel after having been released by the authorities following the accidents in Kiel. The remaining cargo of the vessel had been fixed again at berth 1 in the East Shore Port before. The damage at the SCA roro ramp may be some millions Euro, whereas the ship itself suffered only bruises when alliding with the 1800-ton-pontoon which was constructed to serve the ferries of the Svenska Cellulosa Aktiebolaget and Iggesund Paperboard (Holmen Group) from Kiel to Sundsvall. The heeling of the "Mosvik" had been caused by a technical failure in the ballast water system which meanwhile has been fixed. By July 20 the ship had reached the Northsea after the transit of the Kiel Canal. The lost cargo after its recovery remained stored in Kiel. She berthed in Burnham on Crouch on July 21 at 11 p.m. German report and photos:
Oops- she did it again Mosvik suffered next mishap in Kiel
On July 17 the "Mosvik" allided with a roro ramp in the East Shore Port in Kiel, possibly due to a technical malfunction. The ship was to be repositioned in the port basin to get access to adequated crane capacity for re-storing of deck cargo at 7 p.m. Moving with own power from berth 1 to 4, the ship failed to reduce speed as the engine did not switch from ahead to astern. The vessel slammed into the ramp with 1,5 to 2 knots speed. The damage to the ramp and its pontoon was severe, and the ramp was out of use until repairs have been carried out. German reports with photos:,schiff1096.html
Driftwood recovered from the Kiel Fjord
On July 14 at 3.45 p.m. the ship casualty command in Cuxhaven took over the leadership of measures at the "Mosvik" on request of the traffic central Lübeck-Travemünde. The tug "Bülk" had escorted the vessel to the East Shore Port which had a list of 2 degrees to port now, while the multi purpose ship "Scharhörn" jointly with the tugs "Holtenau", "Bülk", "Stein", "Falckenstein" and "Schwartenbek“ started the recovery of the lost cargo, cconsisting of 60-80 bundles of plywood. They were supported by the lifeboats "Berlin" and "Vormann Jantzen“ and the police boats "Staberhuk" and "Falshöft". The tug "Kormoran" and the crane ship "Griep II were lifting the drift wood from the water. At 9 p.m. all wood which was located had been recovered, and the command ended its work at 9.45 p.m. Ship traffic was warned of remaining drift wood. German reports with photos:
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