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Freshman died on tanker
The 19 year old engineering student Mustafa Koç of the Piri Reis University Department of Maritime Transportation and Management Engineering was found dead aboard the "Gannet S" on July 11, 2019. Koç was doing his summer internship at the vessel. After leaving Istanbul for India aboard the ship, Mustafa Koç was forced to work 20-hour shifts and clean tanks with chemical residue. Koç had to stay in a hotel arranged by the company under unhygienic conditions when the vessel was unable to dock due to a storm. The freshman stayed in the hotel for 11 days, and after he was able to board the vessel again headed out to Djibouti on June 22. Koç was sleeping at the ship’s infirmary because guards were staying in his cabin as he worked 20-hour shifts for 18 days. The infirmary had no air conditioning and temperatures inside reached 45 degrees Celsius. The ship’s chief officer forced Koç to clean a tank with chemical residue, which interns are not allowed to do. The tank was 20 metres deep, with an opening of 1 metre, and temperatures as high as 50 degrees Celsius inside. Most of his tasks were of a similar nature. At 8 a.m. on July 11, he was discovered dead in the room he was sleeping in when the crew went to wake him up as he didn’t show up for his shift in the Djibouti Port at 4 a.m. The autopsy conducted in Djibouti showed severe lung infection as the cause of death. Mustafa Koç had gone through a full physical examination before starting his internship, and had all his shots complete. He had no previous health isss. Mustafa Koç’s brother İsmail Koç said Mustafa’s working conditions didn’t comply with MLC standards but such treatment was fairly commonplace in Turkish maritime companies. The family was calling for public awareness so such incidents don’t happen again.
Disabled tanker arrived in Tuzla
On Apr 10, the "Gannet S" arrived at Tuzla anchorage. Upon completion of its arrival formalities, the vessel entered and was berthed in shipyard pier on Apr 11. Permanent repair works were to commence, upon completion of class surveyor's detailed technical inspection.
Disabled tanker under tow to Tuzla
The "Gannet S" which had experienced engine failure at Dakar at the end of February, 2018, was taken in tow by the Marshall-Islands-flagged offshore-tug "CM Brit" (IMO-No.: 9376971) on March 6 after it turned out that the repair works could not be carried out by its crew. The tow was destined to the Yalova Shipyard in Tuzla, ETA Apr 7. During its Canakkale Strait passage, a Coastal Safety tug will provide escort service for vessel and strait traffic safety. On March 30 the tow dropped anchor off Piraeus.
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