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Enak recovered grounded barge at Timmendorf Beach
On the afternoon of June 1, 2024, the 'Enak' has recovered a 190-ton-barge of the Arnold Ritscher company which had broken lose and became wedged under the new pier in Timmendorf Beach on May 21 in heavy seas. The pontoon was lifted piece by piece and pulled away from the bridge and then taken to the port of Neustadt, where the extent of the damage will be examined in detail. The salvae operation started at 6 a.m.. Workers had welded four 1.5-ton salvage lugs at the barge, through which the steel cables were pulled. Large amounts of water had to be pumped out of the compartments of the barge, which had suffered cracks in the grounding. The recovery work took a total of ten hours. The cost of the recovery amount to some 100000 Euros. Several attempts to recover the platform had failed due to the bad weather conditions during the days following the grounding. In addition, the preparations for the recovery were much more complex than initially assumed. An initial report found that the bridge was stable and that there was no major damage. Only minor damage was caused to the bridge. Among other things, three pleasure boat piers had to be replaced. Reports with photos and video: https://www.ndr.de/nachrichten/schleswig-holstein/Timmendorfer-Strand-Bergung-des-Pontons-hat-begonnen,ponton132.html https://www.ndr.de/nachrichten/schleswig-holstein/Timmendorfer-Strand-Ponton-mit-Kran-unter-Seebruecke-verkeilt,ponton132.html https://www.der-reporter.de/tdf-strand/artikel/arbeitsponton-hat-sich-losgerissen-und-beschaedigt-neue-seebruecke https://www.ln-online.de/lokales/ostholstein/gefahr-an-neuer-seebrucke-in-timmendorfer-strand-arbeits-ponton-hat-sich-losgerissen-LW4LUAWQJNE4NB7KV2QRNTFKDY.html https://www.hamburg.de/nachrichten-hamburg/18682056/arbeitsponton-an-timmendorfer-seebruecke-losgerissen/ https://www.zeit.de/news/2024-05/23/vorbereitungen-fuer-bergung-von-havariertem-ponton-begonnen
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