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Navigational error caused collision
The collision of the "Rhenus Duisburg", 2900 ts (ENI-No.: 04811950), and the "Eiltank 66“, 1591 ts (ENI-No.: 04807240;), in the morning of Sep 14 was caused by a navigational error on one of the ships according to the investigations of the police in Duisburg. The larger vessel slammed into the bow of the tank ship which suffered severe damage. The Wesel-Datteln-Kanal Canal at Friedrichsfeld was closed for more than six hours for the salvage work. The transit of 17 ships was delayed. The damage was estimated to be around 100.000 Euro. The "Eiltank 66“ was allowed to sail on Sep 15 at 6.15 a.m. to unload its cargo in Rotterdam. She berthed in Moerdijk on Sep 16 around noon. The "Rhenus Duisburg“ continued the voyage on Sep 16 at 7.40 a.m. and berthed in basin 11 in Duisburg at 11 a.m.
Collision near Hünxe
Off the locks in Friedrichsfeld on the Wesel-Datteln-Canal the "Rhenus Duisburg", 2900 ts (ENI-No.: 04811950), and "Eiltank 66“, 1591 ts (ENI-No.: 04807240), were in collision in the morning of Sep 15, 2016, around 7 a.m. The ships suffered significant damage, one suffered water ingress and was in danger of sinking onto a water depth of 2,5 meters. The fire rescue was on scene to keep it afloat with dewatering pumps. The salvage work lasted for some hours and caused queues of barges as the canal was blocked after the accident.The police Duisburg launched an investigation. The "Rhenus Duisburg" which was coming from Dorsten berthed in Voerde at 1 p.m. The "Eiltank 66" which had departed from Voerda at 6.15 a.m. and had suffered significant damage at the port side bow was moored at the shore in Friedrichsfeld. German reports with photo and video: http://www1.wdr.de/nachrichten/ruhrgebiet/schiffskollision-wesel-datteln-kanal-100.html http://www1.wdr.de/mediathek/av/video-zwei-frachter-kollidieren-im-wesel-datteln-kanal-100.html
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