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Bridge allision in Deggendorf
The "Dyna", 1470 ts (EU-No.: 04601370), allided with the pylon of the freeway bridge over the Danube in Deggendorf while heading from Deggendorf to Regensburg on Feb 23, 2015, at 10.30 a.m. The ship which was underway jointly with the barge "Johanna" suffered an engine damage and had just passed the bridge when it became unmanoeverable. Strong currents pushed both vessels downstream again and against the pylon where they got stuck, obstructing the fairway in a manner that the Danube traffic had to barred. While the engine could be fixed within short time, the engine power was not suitable for getting off again. The owners now were looking for a towing vessel. The bridge was to be surveyed in the forthcoming days but did not suffer any structural damage. German report with photo: http://www.pnp.de/region_und_lokal/landkreis_deggendorf/deggendorf/1597640_Nach-Maschinenschaden-Schiff-kracht-an-Brueckenpfeiler.html
Grounding on Danube
While assisting the German flagged, self propelled barge "Panta Rhei II", 1118 ts (EU-No.: 04802640), which had been anchored outside the Danube fairway with engine problems on Feb 24, 2014, the "Petra", 1519 ts (EU-No.: 4601370), with the barge "Johanna" itself ran aground due to the low water level on the river. Attempts by the "Wotan" to pull off the ships, which were underway from Passau to Straubing, failed. The "Panta Rhei II" berthed in the West Port of Regensburg on Feb 25.
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