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sold to Dong A Tankers 56 million USD
Vos Theia assisted A Ladybug
On Aug 10, 2013, the "A Ladybug" informed Valletta Port control that she heaved up anchors from OPL Malta due to strong NW wind, and the vessel had no fuel and no engines. After a whole day of dragging anchors while trying to anchor again in Area 3 she informed vessels about her situation. On Aug 11 the anchor handling tug "Vos Theira" left Valletta from Gun Wharf to assist the car carrier at Area 3.
Taiwanese car carrier A Ladybug abandoned by owner?
Rather strange story is reported by Philippine and Malta media – a big modern Taiwanese car carrier A Ladybug was drifting for months off Malta waters, and recently, admitted to Valetta anchorage by the authorities. 21 Filipino crew said they’ve been left without supplies, so it may be understood that vessel actually, is abandoned by an owner, Taiwanese TMT Co Company. Crew is demanding unpaid wages, too, rejecting to be repatriated until they receive their money. Vessel anchored off Valetta on Aug 11 13, with fuel running short, authorities feared drifting vessel could pose a danger to shipping. Such vessels usually aren’t abandoned that easy, left at sea on their own, like some capsized yacht or coastal fishing boat.
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