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Freja damaged in allision, towed ketch sank
While towing the Danish ketch “Skibet”, 9 gt (CS: OU 7940; built 1880) to Spodsbjerg in the morning of Oct 7, 2014, the "Freja" allided with the quay of the ferry port while entering this basin instead of the sheltered fishing port due to an engine failure. The patrol boat was damaged, but was able to back off again and leave the port. The "Skibet", however, sank with a cargo of wine which had been loaded in Kiel on Oct 4 and which was bound for Copenhagen. The ketch had suffered a broken mast and water ingress in the engine room off Ærø at 2 a.m. and sent distress calls. The "Freja" took the vessel in tow to Langeland, but it finally foundered with only the masts showing above water. The "Freja" proceeded to Korsør where she docked at 4.30 a.m. German and Danish reports with photos: http://www.fyens.dk/langeland/Se-billederne-Kendt-traeskib-sank-i-Spodsbjerg/artikel/2585284 http://www.kn-online.de/Lokales/Kiel/Traditionssegler-Skibet-geriet-im-Sturm-in-Seenot http://nyhederne.tv2.dk/samfund/2014-10-07-historisk-dansk-skib-med-1200-flasker-vin-gik-ned-i-nat http://www.dr.dk/Nyheder/Regionale/Fyn/2014/10/07/152446.htm
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