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Collision in Rostock
On Nov 1, 2019, at 3.30 p.m. the 'Danica Violet', enroute from Gdynia to Rostock, was in collision with the outgoing ferry 'Berlin' (IMO: 9587855) on the Warnow adjacent to the Warnemünde Cruise Center. The freighter had lost control and suddenly veered to port, hitting the port side bow of the ferry which was bound to Gedser and had no chance to avoid the collision of the approaching freighter in the small fairway. The 'BErlin' returned to berth 55 in the Sea Port of Rostock after the accident. The 321 passengers were disembarked. The hull of the ferry was breached above the water line on three meters length. The foreship of the ship was deformed so much that at least three frames broke. The total damage, was currently estimated at approximately € 200,000. No one was injured, no pollution was reported. The 'Flunder' of the Baltic Taucherei- und Bergungsbetrieb, the company, which was chosen to repair the breach, went alongside the ferry. It was hoped by Scandlines to have the 'Berlin' operating again on Nov 2 at 3 p.m. The 'Danic Violet' docked at berth 37 in the seaport of Rostock. Ferry operator Scandlines recommended passenger customers to use the crossing from Rødby to Puttgarden, where the ferries were sailing according to plan. Trucks can be ferried aboard the 'Kronprins Frederik'. The police Rostock launched an investigation into the accident. The 'Berin' left Rostock again on Nov 2 at 8 p.m. towards Gedser. The 'Danica Violet' sailed at 4.50 p.m., headed to Gdynia for repairs and docked in basin VII at the Stocznia Dock Yard on Nov 3 at 9.45 p.m. for repairs which were completed on Nov 18 at 11.30 a.m. German reports with photos: https://www.nnn.de/lokales/rostock/Warnemuende-Havarie-zwischen-Kuestenfrachter-und-Faehre-Berlin-id26203442.html https://www.rostock-heute.de/scandlines-faehre-berlin-kollision-frachter-rostock/109340?fbclid=IwAR2LNkQe6C2gQDrzo3uFUptv98Tky2RNmPXE5DVwnAbV8bD_YkE_TcEzwZ8
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