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Towage to Hvide Sande successfull completed
On April 5 at 2 p.m. the 'Egesund' finally arrived in Hvide Sande with the 'Nesejenta' in tow. The ships had left Hirtshals on April 4 at 4.15 p.m. for the final leg of the voyage which had abruptly interrupted five miles off Hanstholm when the yarn boat capsized for yet unexplained reasons. During the recent days the 'Nesejenta' was prepared for a successful transit to the Hvide Sande Shipyard to the relief of the shipowner Niels Henriksen, who explained that nothing had changed in the towing procedure. Now the yard will be preparing the semi-finished ship for delivery to the Norwegian buyer August Fjeldskår from Båly. At 10.20 p.m. the tug left the port again, bound to Hals with an ETA as of April 6, 8 p.m. Danish report with photo: https://fiskerforum.dk/denne-gang-lykkedes-det-at-faa-norske-nesejenta-til-hvide-sande/
Capsized yarn boat turned upright again
The Nesajente, which had capsized in Vigsø Bay under tow of the 'Egesund' has been turned upright again in the afternoon of March 29 by the crane ship 'Susanne A' in Hirtshals where it had arrived on March 27. The new building was scheduled to be towed to Hvide Sande, where it was to be completed and delviered to the Norwegian shipowner August Fjeldskår. There will be extensive work to be done to repair the damage sustained when the ship turned over five miles north of Hanstholm on its way from Gdansk. The trawler left the port of Hirtshals after having been completely dewatered and stabillized, on April 4 at 4.10 p.m. under tow of the 'Egesund' (IMO: 9059248) and resumed its transit to the Hvide Sande Shipyard for completion and repairs, ETA April 5. Danish report with photo and video: https://maritimedanmark.dk/?Id=43273 https://maritimedanmark.dk/?Id=43250 https://fiskerforum.dk/nesejenta-har-igen-koelen-nedad/ https://www.facebook.com/FlaskePosten.nu/videos https://www.tv2nord.dk/hjoerring/traengsel-i-hirtshals-kaentret-garnbaad-er-et-tilloebsstykke/2530061557232352/ https://www.tv2nord.dk/hjoerring/kaentret-garnbaad-er-paa-ret-koel-igen
Wreck of Nesejenta towed to Hirtshals
On March 27 at 10.40 a.m. the capsized wreck of the Norwegian yarn vessel 'Nesejenta' was towed into the port of Hirtshals, where the Svendborg Towing and NH Towage A/S started to straighten the hull in the morning of March 29 with the 'Susanne A' in basin I of the port, so that it can be towed to the destination Hvide Sande. Upon arrival in port, only the port side of the wreck was protruding from the water. The towing operation was carried out by the 'Egesaund' and the 'Sanne A'. The port of Hirtshals was ready to assist the recovery with everything that may be needed for such a task. Danish reports with photos and video: https://www.soefart.dk/article/view/712095/kaentret_fiskefartoj_var_tillobsstykke_i_hirtshals https://maritimedanmark.dk/?Id=43242 https://www.tv2nord.dk/hjoerring/stoerre-operation-i-hirtshals-havn-havereret-fartoej-skal-vendes https://maritimedanmark.dk/?Id=43242 https://fiskerforum.dk/hirtshals-havn-tager-imod-havareret-norsk-garnfartoej/ https://nordjyske.dk/nyheder/hjoerring/kaentret-fiskerbaad-skal-paa-ret-koel-i-hirtshals/e777248c-5686-47fc-8db4-dc7fd19cd935
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