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Ferry turned around for suspected missing passenger
On July 16, 2023, the 'Condor Voyager' turned back towards St Malo after reports of a missing passenger. Eye-witnesses reported distress among some passengers on the crossing from St Malo to St Helier, with fears that the missing person, believed to be a French girl of school age, may have fallen overboard. The 'Condor Voyager' was approaching the midpoint of its journey in the evening when it stopped, carried out a U-turn and headed back towards the Brittany coast. The ferry retraced its journey at slow speed for about 20 minutes, before a second announcement about the person concerned having been accounted for. After a short period, it was established the person was not on board, and the ship continued on to St Helier. The ferry eventually docked in St Helier just after 8 p.m., causing delays for those waiting for the return crossing to St Malo.
The 'Normandie Express'...
...berthed in Cherbourg, has been renamed 'Condor Voyager' on May 28, 2021.
SMS refits Normandie Express for Brittany Ferries
UK-based ship repair and marine engineering services provider SMS has completed an extensive refit of Brittany Ferries’ high-speed ferry Normandie Express at the Port of Cherbourg in France. Normadie Express was dry docked using the Port Normands Associe’s 90-metre-long, 32-metre-wide Syncrolift, which was manufactured by Rolls-Royce and can lift vessels weighing up to 3,000 tonnes. During the three-week refurbishment, the SMS team completed structural aluminium repairs (including hull inserts), mended the under-hull planking and jet room, overhauled the sea valves, painted waterjets, and replaced insulations, anodes, main engine coolers and lube oil pumps. The team also performed maintenance work on the hydraulic ride control system and repaired and replaced insulation, fire door frames and fire safety equipment.
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