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Ferry delayed due to medical emergency
The noon sailing of the 'Coastal Renaissance' on April 21, 2024, was delayed leaving Swartz Bay on Monday due to a medical emergency. Ambulance paramedics were called to assist the affected passenger. The delay lasted 54 minutes. No further details were available.
Ferry suffered mechanical problem
The 'Coastal Renaissance' suffered a mechanical problem while operating on the Horseshoe Bay-Departure Bay route, which eventually led to a three-sailing wait, in the morning of July 9, 2021. The B.C. Ferries has recommended travellers switch to the Duke Point-Tsawwassen route.
Ferry drydocked for propeller repairs
The 'Coastal Renaissance was docked in Seaspan’s Vancouver Drydock on May 15, 2021, at 11.45 a.m. for repairs to one of its propeller hubs. The work was expected to have been completed by May 22, when the ship will depart North Vancouver and return to Tsawwassen. It will resume service on the Tsawwassen to Duke Point run on May 23.
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