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Azerbaijan seeks release of detained tugs
Azerbaijan has sent a note to Eritrea regarding three Azerbaijan flagged tugs and their crews, which were detained after entering the territorial waters of the State of Eritrea on Nov 7, 2024. Each ship had six Azerbaijani sailors, with a total of 18 crew members, on board. The 'CMS Pahlavan', 'CMS Igid' and 'CMS-3', operated by the Azerbaijani branch of the company Caspian Marine Services B.V., had no choice but to enter due to deteriorating weather conditions, en route from the Suez Canal to Abu Dhabi. Although prior contact was made with the port authorities of the State of Eritrea, it was not possible to provide information. After entering the 12-mile territorial waters of the State of Eritrea, the relevant authority of the State emphasized that the entry was unauthorized, and the vessels were detained. Azerbaijan sent a note to Eritrea, through the Azerbaijani embassies in Ethiopia and Russia, stating that the entry into Eritrean territorial waters did not contradict international legal norms. Relevant meetings were held at the Eritrean Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Eritrea’s embassies in Türkiye and Moscow. Efforts were ongoing to resolve the issue, secure the release of the vessels and crew, and provide necessary consular and legal assistance. The Agency was also in regular contact with the Azerbaijani branch of the Caspian Marine Services B.V. company, which owns the ship. The ships are supplied with food and other necessities on time, and relevant assistance is provided for communication between the crew and their families.
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