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Freighter rescued two men after three days adrift in the sea
On Sep 25, 2019, the "Catania" rescued two men from the sea 65 miles off the Spanish coast. She was enroute from Ghent to Gemlic with a cargo of steel when the bridge watch remarked the two and alerted the MRCC in Almeria. Only one of them was wearing a life vest. They were able to board the ship with the pilot ladder and informed the captain that they had started from Maroc with jet skis along with a third man three days ago. After the jet skis encountered trouble, they were drifting helplessly in the Mediterranean and lost the third man. Later the crew of the "Catania" found a half sunken jet ski. Both men along with the jet ski were transferred onto the alerted SAR boat "Guardamar Caliope“ and taken ashore. German report with photos:
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