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Ferry suffered electrical failure
The "Castella" with about 25 cars had to abort the voyage to Rindö and returned to Vaxholm on May 23, 2018, at 5.45 p.m. due to an electric failure. The fault caused the ramp on the ferry to fall down and forced the ship to turn back to port with 25 cars on board. There was no estimate how long the work to repair would take, but the company was working to make arrangements for the affected cars. Both in Vaxholm and Oskarshams cars were waiting in long queues.
Damen wins contract for the refit and repair works of Swedish ferry Castella
Damen Oskarshamnsvarvet has won a contract for the refit and repair works of a Swedish ferry from Trafikverket (the Swedish Transport Administration). Awarded after a public tender process, the contract refers to the Castella, a 77-metre long Ro-Ro ferry. DAMEN Oskarshamnsvarvet, part of DAMEN Shiprepair & Conversion, will complete the works between November 2017 and March 2018, the company said in its press release. Trafikverket (the Swedish governmental body responsible for national infrastructure) operates over 40 different ferry routes that mobilise more than 60 ferries. These enable 21 million passenger and 11 million vehicle transports per year; demonstrating the vital function that ferries contribute to Sweden’s transport system.
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