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Cruise ship assisted Cuban refugees
On Sep 12, 2022, at 8 a.m. the 'Carnival Horizon' has assisted five Cuban refugees on its Western Caribbean itinerary. The ship rendered aid to a small boat adrift north of Cuba, providing supplies to the occupants and permitting the craft to continue on its way, as was the occupants’ choice. The cruise ship was slowly cruising east along the north coast of Cuba when the small craft was sighted, which appeared to be drifting. The cruise ship could have brought the individuals aboard, and they would have been transferred to the proper authorities, likely the US Coast Guard. They instead opted to remain with their craft and continue on their planned journey. The small boat was deemed safe for the refugees to continue, and the cruise ship continued on its route. Report with photo:
Man who jumped over board recovered dead
A body has been recovered late on March 15, after a man jumped overboard from the 'Carnival Horizon'. Together with the US Coast Guard, the ship’s crew located and recovered the body of the passenger. The Carnival’s Care team is providing assistance to his family. The man had jumped overboard" from Deck 11 around 7 p.m. ET after the ship departed from Grand Turk in the Turks and Caicos at 5 p.m. on a 6-day cruise from Miami. Camera footage confirmed a person went overboard. Immediately after the announcement was made, crew members threw life preservers with attached lights off the stern and port side of the ship. The ship was sailing near the Turks and Caicos Islands just before 9:00 p.m. and is scheduled to be in the Mexican resort of Cozumel on March 17.
Cruise ship completed unexpected yard stay
After an unexpected dry dock following technical issues with the 'Carnival Horizon', the ship was now making its return trip from Palermo back to Miami, Florida, with an ETA as of Jan 20, 2022. Carnival Cruise Line had temporarily pulled the vessel from service after experiencing an issue with the vessel's maximum speed in late November 2021. The ship was drydocked in Palermo on Dec 22. Although the repair works were initially expected to take less than two weeks, Carnival later determined that a longer dry dock would be necessary. The 'Carnival Horizon' completed its unexpected drydock period in Palermo on Jan 8.
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