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Gazprom charters Bourbon Rainbow
Seabrokers reports that with offshore activity ramping up in Russia, Gazprom has contracted two PSVs, Sayan Princess and Bourbon Rainbow, on term charters. Both vessels will work for Gazprom for three months firm plus options, with operations scheduled to commence in August. Sayan Princess is a Havyard 832 CD PSV; Bourbon Rainbow is an Ulstein PX 105 PSV. Both vessels were delivered in 2013, with Sayan Princess having a deck area of 801m² and Bourbon Rainbow having a deck area of 928m² Source : Offshore Shipping Online
Ulstein designed PSV 'Bourbon Rainbow' delivered to Bourbon Offshore Norway
The platform supply vessel Bourbon Rainbow, yno DH1004 at Zhejiang Shipbuilding Co. Ltd. was delivered on 30 January 2013. Bourbon Rainbow is the fourth and final in a series of platform supply vessels of ULSTEIN's PX105 designs to Bourbon Offshore Norway from this yard.
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