2965 days ago
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At the breakers.. Aliaga in September:
beached at Aliaga 08/2015
On the road to Aliaga
In the morning of Aug 16, 2015, the tug "Kunduz" (IMO: 7320306) reached Tuzla anchorage while towing the "Boughaz" from Algericas to breakers in Aliaga. The departure maneuver had been assisted by the tugs "VB Algeciras" and "VB Simun" on July 30. A few days earlier the Moroccan ferry "Al Mansour" had left with the same fate. Both ships were part of the Moroccan consortuíum Comarit-Comanav, part of its fleet was moored in the Bay of Algeciras after the company went bankrupt in late 2011. After a lawsuit, the Port Authority's auction brought in a price of 2.944 million Euros. The "Boughaz" was auctioned at 450,000 Euro and had been laid up in Algeciras since December 2011. Spanish report with photo:
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