1117 days ago
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Collision on the Danube
On Oct 5, 2019, the river cruise ship 'Prinzessin Isabella', which had sailed from Vienna on Sep 29 with 165 passengers on board was in collision with the 'Blue Star I', which was enroute from Piraues to Galati, on the Danube at river mile 43 between the port of Tulcea and Ishmael in the Odessa region. Five people, all of them passengers, were injured, two were taken to the hospital by the Tulcea Ambulance Service. The cruise ship suffered severe damage in the superstructure area, where a number of cabins on the upper passenger deck were torn open and crushed. The cruise ship berthed in Tulcea at 7.50 a.m. The 'Bleu Star I' moored near the town in pos. 45° 13.41' N 028° 43.46 E. The Romanian police launched an investigation. The river cruise ship left Tulcea the same day at 8.30 p.m., headed to Passau with an ETA as of Oct 10, 8 a.m. The 'Blue Star I' also resumed its voyage after the investigations were completed and headed to Galati. She finally reached the port of destination on Oct 15 around 10 p.m. The 'Prinzessin Isabella' berthed at the Slovenské lodenice Komárno, Komarno, for repairs on Oct 14 at 4 p.m. Reports with photos and video:
Ship disabled off Greek coast
In the morning of March 11, 2019, the "Blue Star 1" reported a mechanical damage southwest of Leros with 14 crew members on board, being enroute from Novorossyisk to Turkey. A lifeguard boat of the Port Authority and the fishing boat "Agios nikalaos" attended to provide assistance. The Greek tug "Karapiperis 18" (IMO: 8810205) took the casualty towards the port of Piraeus where it dropped anchor in pos. 37° 3.72' N 025° 35.88' E at 4 p.m. where it remained stationary on March 12 with the tug nearby. On March 15 it berthed inside the port at 12.30 p.m. It left the port again on April 4 and headed to Iskenderun, where it was being moored since April 11 at 1.45 p.m.
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