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Bergen Tankers converts the tanker to run on LNG-powered engines
Bergen Tankers AS (Norway) is converting the Lloyd’s Register-classed chemical and product tanker Bergen Viking to run on two Bergen C26:33L6AG LNG-powered engines, replacing the current diesels. The project also includes the LNG fuel containment system, ACON LNG fuel, the safety control system and all engineering required by Class and National, the company said in its press release. The vessel conversion will encompass the removal of 4 diesel generating sets and the installation of 2 new natural gas (NG) fuelled generating sets, delivered by Bergen Engines AS. The conversion includes also two150 m3 LNG tanks of IMO type C, installed on open deck. ‘The service department of Croon Marine & Offshore has received the order from Bergen for the upgrade and modification of the Machinery Control and Monitoring and Power Management System on board the ship “Bergen Viking”. The system delivery will be in 2014, the execution March 2015.
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