4103 days ago
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Grounded ship blocked the Mosel
The "Bangga", 1235 ts (EU-No.: 01822797), carrying a cargo of 1000 tons rape, ran aground on the Mosel at Cochem on Nov 21, 2012, when trying to avoid another ship. The master came too close to the shore, and the ship got stuck at the bow drifted perpendicular to the fairway. In the morning of Nov 22 a decision was expected whether the ship which was blocking the river for traffic would have to be lightered. 14 ships were blocked. In the foremidday the vessel could be refloated by the barge "Mark Hardi II" and taken to Karden for surveys, but the river remained closed until soundings of the fairway were completed during the afternoon. German reports with photos:,-Havarierter-Frachter-freigeschleppt-Mosel-noch-gesperrt-_arid,516755.html
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