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Ship beached at Aliaga
Photo: https://sphotos-a.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-prn1/544845_10151528300804253_208304473_n.jpg
AYLIN 7111078
Beached at Aliaga, Turkey, March 28th, 2013. Picture of beached vessel at http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=10151317896102056&set=a.120377857055.116442.116663947055&type=1&theater
Cruise ship detained due to missing wages
The "Venus" has been detained in Ashdod, Israel, where it had berthed on Aug 5, 2012, after failing to pay wages to its crew following a lawsuit lodged by crew members over the payment of their salaries. According to the Ukrainian Embassy in Israel, the crew consists of 340 people, among them 70 citizens of Ukraine. A lawyer was currently defending their rights and interests. The health of the crew members was said to be satisfactory, and the ship has enough drinking water and food. None of the crew members had accepted the lawyer's offer to leave the ship and return home.
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