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Arklow Breeze rescued distressed fishermen
On Nov 7, 2018, the "Arklow Breeze" enroute from Ijmuiden to Aviles recovered two of four fishermen from the Belgian "Morgenster" after their fishing vessel capsized in the English Channel, 14 miles south east of Eastbourne. Just before 4 p.m. today the HM Coastguard received a call from a merchant vessel reporting that they could see a capsized fishing vessel with two people sitting on the hull and two people in the water in the south west lane of the English Channel. HM Coastguard also received a distress alert transmitted from the fishing vessel’s EPIRB. The HM Coastguard Lydd search and rescue helicopter was immediately launched, as well as the Eastbourne and Newhaven RNLI All Weather Lifeboats to the scene. A Mayday relay broadcast was also issued by HM Coastguard asking all vessels in the area to assist if they were nearby. Many vessels responded to the broadcast and also made their way to the scene. The "Arklow Breeze" reported the incident, picked up two persons from the water afte r45 minutes, and the two people on the hull were picked up by the HM Coastguard helicopter. Despite being cold and wet they were otherwise safe and well. Video:
Drunken captain slammed into Arklow Breeze
On June 2, 2016, around 5 p.m. the "Rix Emerald" allided with the moored "Arklow Breeze" while leaving the Elbe Port Brunsbüttel bound to Thyboroen. Both ships and the quay suffered slight damage. During their investigations the police officers remarked smell of alcohol at the Russian master of the Latvian vessel and took a breathalyzer test which showed a result of 1,44 per thousand. The man was blood sampled in the hospital of Brunsbüttel. He had to pay a safety fine of 3000 Euro. The "Rix Emerald" was detained and moored on Brunsbüttel anchorage, a port state control was ordered. The "Arklow Breeze" left the port on June 3 short past noon bound to Dunkirk.
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