248 days ago
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Allision in Elsfleth
In the evening of July 31, 2018, the "Arison", 1108 ts (EU-No.: 02314427), allided with a dolphin close to the Hunte barrier in Elsfleth. The ship was enroute from Bremen to Rotterdam with a cargo of asphalt when it suffered a rudder failure, causing the ship to veer off course and slam into the dolphin and its gangway which were torn out of their anchorings. The dolphin suffered considerable damage, and the barge had multiple damages to the bow. The gangway was torn off and crashed onto the ship's deck. No one was injured. The "Arison" was able to free itself and berthed in Elsfleth where the ship was detained by the traffic control in Bremen until surveys by the relevant classification society have been carried out. The water police launched an investigation. A technical failure of the rudder was thought to have caused the accident. At the Elsfleth yard the gangway was removed with a crane and repairs to the bow were carried out. The ship which was loaded with construction material was then allowed to continue the voyage to Rotterdam. On Aug 1 at 5.20 p.m. it berthed in the city port of Oldenburg. German report with photo:,2,591469655.html
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