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Master subject of investigations after pollution
The "Happy Bird" was allowed to resume its voyage on Mar 9 around 8 p.m. to Mohammedia, ETA Mar 15. Because the master knew about the technical malfunction of the main engine which caused the soot pollution and transited the Kiel Canal in spite of that, an investigation was launched against him, and he had to pay a safety deposit of 528 Euro. A blower had been malfunctioning. As a repair was impossible in Brunsbüttel, the ship was only allowed to pass the locks of the Kiel Canal without engine pulled by two tugs. Once they had reached the Elbe, the tanker was allowed to start the main engine and proceeded towards the Northsea. German report with photo:
Tanker stopped in Brunsbüttel after engine trouble in Kiel Canal
Enroute from Portsmouth to Mohammedia, Maroc, the "Happy Bird" stopped during the transit of the Kiel Canal at Schwartenbek near Kiel on Mar 8, 2015, and large amounts of exhaust escaped, causing a visibility next to zero in the surroundings. The ship undertook some manoevers before proceeding further to Brunsbüttel. The police was alerted and stopped the ship at the South Quay in Brunsbüttel at 8.30 p.m. for investigations which should take place in the foremidday of Mar 9 and lead to a decision whether a repair was needed. German reports with photo:
Security team defended pirate attack
The "Happy Bird" was fired upon by pirates in two skiffs on Jan 12, 2012, near position 14:51N – 056:03E, approximately 170 nm southeast of Salalah, Oman. An onboard security team returned the fire, prompting the skiffs to break off their attack and depart the area.
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