457 days ago
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Allision on the Main
On Jan 25, 2019, at 2.30 p.m. the "Antonia", 2370 ts (EU-No.: 04805550) pushing the "Antonia II", 1733 ts (EU-No.: 04805560), hit the barge "Polaris", 2501 ts (EU-No.: 06003455) on the Main at river km 124,5 due to a navigational error of its master while sailiing downstream towards Mannheim. The "Polaris" suffered slight hull and interior damage due to the impact when she was pushed against the wharf which suffered damage too. The damage was estimated to be more than 10.000 Euro. Three of the four crew members of the "Antonia" was found to be intoxicated, only the master was sober. The ship was detained until the whole crew was sober again.
Barge drifted perpendicular to Danube at railway bridge
On July 28, 2017, around 4 p.m. the "Antonia", 2370 ts (EU-No.: 04805550), sailing river upstream towards Kelheim with a cargo of steel bars, allided with the railway bridge at Poikam on the Danube. The ship drifted perpendicular to the bridge in strong currents. The crew of five remained unharmed. The barge "Antonia II", 1733 ts (EU-No.: "04805560) which was connected at the bow with steel wires, broke lose. Both sections got stuck at the pillars of the bridge. Around 6.15 p.m. the "Antonia" was secured, but the barge was still threatened. At 7.30 p.m. the Romanian flagged pusher tug "Mercur 104" (MMSI-No.: 264163285), which had been called from Kelheim arrived at the accident site and tried to tow it away. 147 forces of the fire brigades Lengfeld, Bad Abbach, Teugn, Poikam, Kelheim, Saal and Kapfelberg, the Technical Support Work (THW), the Water Rescue, German Life Saving Society (DLRG) and about 30 other forces were on site. The road between the Kapfelberg marina and Poikam was closed as well as the railway bridge. At 9.15 p.m. both barges could be pulled away and were to be towed to Kelheim. German reports with photos:
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