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Grounding off Zonguldak
The "Annetta" ran aground while approaching the port of Zonguldak on Sep 15, 2017, at 03.30 a.m. It got stuck about one mile north of the port’s entrance. The vessel had arrived from Novorossiysk, where it had sailed on Sep 13.
Edgar Lehmann taken in tow
On Aug 18, 2013, the "Edgar Lehmann" was disabled during the north-south passage of the Dardanelles enroute from Çanakkalae to Alexandria/Misir due to an engine failure. The "Kurtama 3" was called to assist and the ship towed to Karanlık Limana. The ship was unloaded and had a crew of 16 on board. Turkish report with photo:ıldı&p=R&pid=142
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