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Dinghies tried to block tanker passage
The 'Andromeda'. loaded with two million barrels of crude, thwarted attempts to block the voyage from the Al Dhabba Ash Shihr offshore oil terminal, Mukalla, Yemen, to China in the morning of Oct 4, 2020. The UAE tried to block the tanker with dinghies, but a safe passage towards the Gulf of Aden was provided by international escort, and the ship continued on its way towards the Arabian Sea.
Small oil leakage off Brazil
The Norwegian tank m/v "Vigdis Knutsen" and the "Andromeda" suffered a leakage of a small amount of crude oil during ship-to-ship oil transfer in Brazilian waters on Nov 30, 2018. The crude oil belonged to the Royal Duth Shell Plc. About 200 millilitres of crude were released during the transfer, which was halted after the leak was detected. There was oil dripping for four minutes due to a gap in the equipment fitting. The spill was discovered when hoses were connected between the vessels at Brazil's Santos basin in the STS area. The "Vigdis Knutsen" arrived at the Lula Field on Dec 10 at 10.50 a.m.
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