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Malta does not react on Danish inquiries regarding collision
On the basis of a report from the Danish Maritime Commissioner for Maritime Affairs, which dealt with the collision between a Danish fishing cutter and the "Rig", which cost a Danish fisherman's life, the Danish Maritime Authority has addressed more inquiries to the Maltese authorities, but did not get an answer. "It is a disaster that Malta is not responding to such a serious accident at all. It seems that Malta almost does not care about a dead fisherman from Denmark", the chairman of 3F Sømændene, Søren Sørensen, said. The accident occurred on July 10, 2014, when the "Rig" collided with the Danish f/v "Inger Marie" in international waters northeast of Læsø. The cutter sank in less than a minute, and only after one hour a Swedish rescue helicopter managed to find the skipper, Teddy Bak Nielsen, but then it was too late, and he was already dead. The helmsman of the "Rig" subsequently explained to the Swedish authorities that the Danish ship was coming from port side, which meant that it would have to give way for the freighter. Teddy Bak Nielsen was the only man on board the cutter, and therefore there was no one to contradict the statement. However, the statement was contradicted by a subsequent report from the accident investigation commission, which stated that the fishing vesseö came from starboard and that it was thus the "Rig" that had the obligation to give way. The commission also concluded that there were indications of a missing outlook on the cargo ship and the lack of use of radar. If this was the case, there would be a basis for initiating a criminal case against the 1st mate, which the Danish Maritime Authority wishes to see. However, despite four inquiries to Malta, the first having been sent in March 2015, nothing has happened. Denmark does not have the opportunity to raise a criminal case against the mate as the accident occurred in international waters. This can only be made by the flag state of the freighter, which is Malta.
Danish fisher died in collision off Læsø
One fisherman off 66 years died after the "Rig" was in collision with a 12 meter long fishing vessel from Læsø between Vinga and Læsø eon July 10, 2014, at 6:29 a.m. The Maritime Administration, Swedish Coast Guard and MRCC in Gothenburg were alerted by Lyngby Radio after the accident northeast of Læsø. One person was reported to have fallen into the water and the fishing boat sank. The rescue helicopter from Sävedalens and SAR forces from Rörö, Hovås and of the rescue station were dispatched. At 7 a.m. the man who had been alone on board was recovered from the water and taken directly to the Sahlgrenska Hospital where he was pronounced dead. The Maritime Administration sent two officers on board the freighter which had sailed from the Latvijas Rietumu Terminals in Riga enroute to Keadby with an ETA of July 12, to question the master and the crew regarding the accident. Swedish report with photo:
Cargo loss in rough sea
The "Rig" suffered a list and subsequent cargo loss in the Northsea off the Dutch coast on July 25, 2011. It 15-20 packages of timber were lost overboard. The Dutch Coast Guard used an aircraft to locate the cargo. Latitude N 53 ° 48.178. The "Rig" with the longitude E 004 ° 56.098 ' was destined for Ipswich and heading 313 °, ETA Juli 25, 6:00:00 UTC. On July 25 around 6 p.m. the wood drifted onto Ameland shore. The buoy layer "Terschelling" monitored the driftwood. The "Rig" continued its voyage with reduced speed. Dutch report with photos: Video of ship in blustery sea:
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