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Grounded bulk carrier continues to be monitored
Monitoring of the 'An Yang 2' wa scontinued around the clock on the instructions of Governor Valery Limarenko. Specialists from the Marine Rescue Service were on duty at the site constantly, Water samples confirmed that there was no pollution as of Feb 13. The inspection of the vessel will continue depending on weather conditions. Valery Limarenko held a meeting with representatives of the region's leading media n Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk. The authorities promptly installed booms to prevent the spill of oil products. The ship owner has to make a decision whether to refloat the vessel with tug assistance and take it for repairs or abandon it on site and dispose of it. The authoorities were insisting on draining the fuel, an amount of 700 tons of fuel oil and 50 or 60 tons of diesel fuel. Reports with photos:
Work at grounded bulk carrier depending on weather
Rescuers continued to work with the 'An Yang 2' around the clock. The specialists were on duty at the site constantly, acting according to the actual weather. As soon as weather conditions allow, they will continue to inspect the underwater part of the vessel. According to data as of Feb 12, no damage to the ship's hull was found, and there was no oil spill. The divers, however, coud not inspect the lower part of the hull, since the bulk carrier is sitting on rocks. Thedivers planned to inspect the port side of the vessel. Based on the results of a full inspection, the ship owner may decide to refloat the ship, The regional authorities will build a column route to the grounding site to pump out the fuel. The ship's crew, consisting of 20 Chinese citizens, remained on board, Thee were being provided with everything they need. A state of emergency was in effect in the Nevelsky District, and a high alert regime was in effect in the region. On behalf of Governor Valery Limarenko, the emergency response headquarters was monitoring the situation. Booms have been installed along the coast, and an emergency kit of materials for eliminating oil spills has been deployed. Report with photos:
Rough weather hampers response to grounded vessel
Rough weather continued to hamper the response to the grounding of the 'An Yang 2' off Sakhalin Island. The salvors were awaiting better conditions to inspect the wave-battered seaward port side of the vessel, which remained stuck near the port of Nevelsk, on the southwestern end of Sakhalin. Russia's Marine Rescue Service (Morspashas not yet been able to reach it to complete a dive inspection. Morspas' Sakhalin branch wa assessing the possibilities of passing a towing line and pulling the bulk carrier off the rocks. In cooperation with the crew, the responders are putting together a clearer picture of the condition of the hull. Report with photo and video:
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