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Medevac off Stadersand on first day of world cruise
Short time after the departure of the 'Aidasol' from the cruise terminal in Hamburg to a 116-day world cruise in the evening of Oct 27, at 9.50 p.m. UTC, an elderly man was injured in a fall on board and had to be medevaced. Boats of the fire brigade and the German Life Saving Sociey DLRG went alongside the ship which was transiting the Elbe downstream towards the Northsea en route to A Coruna. The patient was medevaced onto the DLRG boat off Stadersand and taken to shore along with his wife, where an ambulance was waiting for the transport to hosptial for further medical treatment. Report with video:,hamj140634.html
German passenger medevaced off Santa Cruz de La Palma
The 'Aidasol', upon leaving the port of Santa Cruz de La Palma, requested the medevac of a passenger with a dislocated kneecap in the afternoon of Nov 17, 2022. The CCS Tenerife of Salvamento Marítimo mobilized the SAR boat 'Salvamar Alphard' to the scne, which picked up the patient, a German man and his wife, and transfered them back to the port for further care.
Medevac off Stockholm
On Sep 7, 2021, a passenger of the ' Aidasol'needed to be nedevaced just as the ship had departed from Stockholm at 5 p.m. on a 7- days-cruise from and to Warnemünde. As the ship was within the narrows of the archipelago, it was decided to disembark the patient with a tender boat. The ship was stopped and turned into the wind to safely launch the boat. The patient was disembarked at Stenslätten and handed over to medical personnel.
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