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Intoxicated master caused collision on the Rhine
The "Formosa" was in collison with the "Aarburg" on the Rhine at river km 559 near St. Goar-Fellen in the morning of Jan 15, 2015. Both ships suffered severe bow damage and remained at the accident site. The "Aarburg" veered to port while sailing downstream at 3.30 a.m. and slammed into the "Formosa" which had been moored at the port Hund and suffered water ingress. One deckhand below deck only by chance escpated injury. Then the container barge got stuck on the right Rhine shore with the stern. A breathalyzer test of the master of the "Aarburg" showed that he was intoxicated with an alcohol level of 1,58 per thousand. His licence was withdrawn. Rhine traffic was not affected for the time being, the river authority Bingen was on site to coordinate salvage work which included dewatering the leaking "Formosa" which was towed to the Loreley Port later where the cargo of rape is to be lightered completely before the ship may proceed to a repair yard in the Netherlands. The "Aarburg" which suffered damage both to the bow and the rudder gear was remaining at an anchorage of Bad Salzig to be towed alongside another ship of the Deyman GmbH in Harne/Ems to its destination. German reports and photos: http://www.rhein-zeitung.de/region/lokales/hunsrueck_artikel,-Havarie-auf-dem-Rhein-Betrunkener-Kapitaen-verunglueckt-mit-Containerschiff-_arid,1258721.html http://www.wochenspiegellive.de/hunsruecknahe/staedte-gemeinden/st-goar/nachrichtendetails/obj/2015/01/15/zwei-schiffe-auf-dem-rhein-kollidiert/ http://www.wochenspiegellive.de/en/hunsruecknahe/staedte-gemeinden/st-goar/nachrichtendetails/obj/2015/01/15/update-schiffskollision-unfallverursacher-war-alkoholisiert/ http://www.binnenvaartlog.nl/?p=28512 http://www.swr.de/landesschau-aktuell/rp/schiffsunfall-bei-st-betrunkener-kapitaen-rammt-gueterschiff/-/id=1682/nid=1682/did=14886768/ap7y1i/
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