
General information

Local time:
Moored Vessels:
Expected Vessels:
N 58° 23' E 024° 29'

Moored Vessels

Cargo Ship
09.03. 19:34
Cargo Ship
10.03. 09:53
Cargo Ship
10.03. 06:54
10.03. 09:39
Passenger Ship
10.12. 11:23
07.03. 13:11
10.03. 06:27
Sailing Vessel
11.10. 08:17
Passenger Ship
20.09. 05:22
Pilot Vessel
09.03. 14:05

Expected Vessels


Sailed Vessels

Cargo Ship
10.03. 00:01
Cargo Ship
09.03. 18:17
Cargo Ship
09.03. 07:06
Cargo Ship
09.03. 06:07

Latest news

Ferry sank at yard

Mon Jun 29 22:42:16 CEST 2015 Timsen

on June 23 at 10.30 a.m. the Swedish ferry “Harley Davidson 1”, 499 gt(IMO-No.: 7829259), started to sink in the port of Pärnu. The stern was submerged and the bow pointing up for some time. On June 24 during wind forces of 17 m/sec the ferry started to list to port and foundered completely on a water depth of 12 feet close to the AS Pärnu Shipyard, where the ship had been overhauled and returned to the water only two weeks ago. For the salvage salvage Equipment was mobilized from Tallinn. Estonian reports with photos and videos: http://www.delfi.ee/news/paevauudised/eesti/fotod-ja-video-sundmuskohalt-parnu-sadamas-on-uppumas-parvlaev?id=71769621 http://rus.delfi.ee/daily/estonia/zatonuvshij-v-pyarnu-parom-budut-podnimat-vodolazy?id=71803715 http://www.delfi.ee/news/paevauudised/eesti/parnus-pohja-vajunud-laeva-hakkavad-upitama-tuukrid?id=71802387 http://www.parnupostimees.ee/3236381/parnus-joepohja-vajunud-laeva-uppumise-pohjus-pole-teada http://www.parnupostimees.ee/3234625/parnus-joepohja-vajunud-laev-pusib-senini-stabiilsena

Icebreaking Operations in Estonian Waters 26.03.2012

Mon Mar 26 17:18:43 CEST 2012 TauriR

Tonight, on 26 March 2012, at 21:00 the I/B Tarmo is departing from Hundipea Harbour to replace the Vidar Viking that has been carrying out icebreaking activities in the Gulf of Finland. The ships visiting the Port of Sillamäe require icebreaker assistance; in the vicinity of the Port of Kunda no icebreaker service is needed. In the Gulf of Riga and Pärnu Bay, the multi-purpose vessel EVA-316 has been carrying out icebreaking operations, but it will be replaced by the tug Castor due to a technical failure which occurred on 25 March. Repair works should take no more than two or three days. In the Gulf of Finland, hummocked drift ice of up to 40 cm is obstructing vessel traffic, in particular in the vicinity of the Port of Sillamäe, prolonging the need for icebreaking activities. Pärnu Bay is still covered with fast ice of up to 40 cm from the Port of Pärnu to the islet of Sorgu, and with drift hummocked ice from Sorgu to the Island of Kihnu, so icebreaker assistance is needed by vessels with less main engine output. (www.vta.ee)

Icebreaking Operations in Estonian Waters - 12.03.12

Wed Mar 14 18:15:04 CET 2012 TauriR

Since the beginning of the winter navigation season on 31 January 2012, 44 vessels have required icebreaker assistance in the Gulf of Riga and Pärnu Bay, where the MA multi-purpose vessel EVA-316 is working. In the Gulf of Finland, 19 vessels have received assistance since 6 March. In that region, icebreaking operations are being carried out by the Vidar Viking. In the Gulf of Finland, the icebreaker is mainly operating in the vicinity of the ports of Kunda and Sillamäe, but last week four vessels in Muuga Bay were also assisted. Currently no icebreaker service is needed in the vicinity of the port of Muuga, though, as Tallinn Bay and Muuga Bay are covered with thin drift ice which is no obstacle to vessel traffic. Near Kunda and Sillamäe, ridged ice and huge ice floes up to 35 cm thick can be encountered. Fast ice of up to 45 cm can be found in the area from Pärnu to the islet of Sorgu, and drift ice to the south and west of Sorgu. The majority of vessels visiting the port of Pärnu need icebreaker assistance. On 9 March, vessel traffic was restored in the Väinameri and in the Gulf of Riga along the Munalaid-Kihnu waterway. (www.vta.ee)

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