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Sold to breakers..
..and towed out of Warnemünde on Jan 13, 2020: Der einstige KFK "Zufriedenheit" verließ Warnemünde zum Abwracken: https://www.svz.de/lokales/rostock/warnemuende/Warnemuende-Die-Zufriedenheit-hat-die-letzte-Fahrt-angetreten-id26985572.html https://www.svz.de/lokales/rostock/warnemuende/Letzte-Fahrt-der-Zufriedenheit-geht-zum-Verschrotten-id26957377.html https://web.archive.org/web/20180628204954/https://www.hochseeangeln-warnemuende.de/
Two fires by arson in Warnemünde
The fire brigade in Rostock was alerted to two fires on ships on the Old Stream of Warnemünde early on June 2, 2019, which were caused by previously unknown perpetrators. Around midnight interior was buring aboard the passenger m/v 'Undine'. The rapid intervention of the emergency services prevented the flames from spreading. At 5.45 a.m., a few meters from the 'Undine', a fire broke out aboard the 'Contentment'. It started in the fire-fighting equipment of the ship, not far from the tank. Again, the fire brigade moved out with a large contingent of several stations. The fire boat and the water police were also on site. After a first assessment, the investigators also in this case were convinced of an intentional act. Although the flames could be fought quickly, they caused a considerable damage. The Criminal Investigation Department has initiated investigations in both cases on suspicion of arson. German report with photos: https://www.ostsee-zeitung.de/Mecklenburg/Rostock/Verdacht-auf-Brandstiftung-in-Rostock-Unbekannte-entzuenden-Feuer-auf-Schiffen-in-Warnemuende
Strong swell damaged fishing vessel
On July 26, 2015, the "Zufriedenheit" was damaged by strong swell which was caused by winds of 7-8 Beaufort in the port of Warnemünde. The ship suffered damage to the scuff rail and the Gangway and had to be repaired until July 29. German report with photos: http://www.nnn.de/lokales/rostock/welle-beschaedigt-schiffe-am-strom-id10319081.html
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