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"Zennestroom" towed to Terneuzen Dutch report with video: http://www.maximaal.nl/nieuws/item/25-01-2011-Olietanker-vlotgetrokken.aspx
On Jan 24, 2011, around 7 p.m. the "Zennestroom" grounded on the Westerscheldt underway from Antwerp to Rozenburg with a cargo of 3000 tons gas oil. The ship could not immediately be refloated due to the falling tide and developed a list to starboard. As there was a risk of the vessel breaking up on the dam it got stuck on, an empty tank m/v was called for lightering purposes. Tugs of URS and Multraship responded. On Jan 25 at 5:15 a.m. the "Zennestroom" was refloated by the vlotgetrokken tugs "Terneuzen" and "Multratug 17". The "Zennestroom" was lightered and moored for an inspection of the hull by divers. Dutch photo report: http://www.tugspotters.com/dev/index.php?itemid=34173#more
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