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Captain sentenced to prison for drunken navigation
The master of the "Zebron" that ran aground in the archipelago off Stockholm, has been sentenced to three months in prison for drunken navigation and breach of the rules of maritime safety. The 56 -year-old Spanish captain had a blood alcohol level of 1.56 per mille when police boarded the tanker shortly after the grounding on Sep 18. He was convicted for breaching the rules for safety at sea as the ship even did not have the required permissions to sail. Formally, the ship was undergoing a trial during a yard stay, triggered by another grounding in the archipelago a month earlier. The court in Stockholm also did not accept the explanation that the captain had drunk a couple of whiskey in his cabin due to his frustration over the accident following the grounding.
Master taken in custody, ship detained after salvage
The Spanish master of the "Zebron" was taken in custody in Stockholm because he had over 1.0 per mille of alcohol in the blood when the tanker ran aground. He was also suspected of crimes against the Maritime Safety Act, since he ignored the ship's detention. He argued that he had only undertaken trials while the shipwas in the repair. Now it was up to the prosecutor to decide if there would be charges for both offenses. The penalty for drunken sailen is usually at least a month in jail. The "Zebron" was involved in an incident where drunken sailing was suspected in August 11 when the "Zebron " ran aground in the Stockholm archipelago shortly after leaving the yard. The master was suspected of having tried to sail away without paying the bill. Also in this case alcohol played a role, but because the master was on the border of 0.2 per mille he was not charged. According to an unconfirmed information, the "Zebron" recently has been sold to African owners by the Swedish Skärmarö Rederi AB. In the actual case a salvage had to be ordered by the authorities due to worsening weather and the dangers arising for the ship. As soon as the salvor had its salvage plan approved by the Transport Agency he started surveys of the hull and pulled the ship off on Sep 20. The ship was again detained. She has apparently received temporary certificates from Togo, but this was still being checked. It was also unclear whether the master had permissions at all, this was also being investigated by the Maritime Transport Agency. Swedish report with photo: http://www.sjofartstidningen.se/zebrons-befalhavare-haktad/
Zebron still on the rocks
The captain of the "Zebron" which remained stuck in the archipelago off Stockholm by Sep 20,was suspected for drunken navigation. At the same time, it turned out that the ship sailed despite several defiencies. The police requested his arrest about which a judge has to decide, as they alleged him of drunken navigation and for having violated the rules of safety at sea. It was expected that there would soon be made an attempt to pull the vessel off the rocks. The "Zebron" also was involved in an incident at Loudden in Stockholm harbor in March 2011 , while the ship was moored at the dock with no load and for some unknown reason began to take on water. The fire brigade had pumped out the water before the leak was sealed. No oil leaked into the water at the incident. Regarding the actual case, Africans have bought the tanker which was then overhauled at Kummelnäs Yard. While leaving, it already got stuck at Sandö Sugga. The damage suffered was fixed at the Tenö Yard. In its next attempt to head towards the southern hemisphere the ship instead headed towards Åkersberga and got stuck on the cliffs at Runö. Photos: http://forum.boatsite.se/uploads/post-108212-1379526640.jpg http://forum.boatsite.se/uploads/post-108212-1379526526.jpg
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