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Ferry sold after failed attempt to move it to Ecuador
Nearly five months after a previous sale of the 'Elwha' was canceled, Washington State Ferries (WSF) has found a new buyer for the ferry, which was purchased by the Everett Ship Repair for $100,000 on Jan 23, 2025. A tug was scheduled to arrive at the Bainbridge Island Ferry Terminal at 9 a.m. to begin to move the vessel. Everett Ship Repair plans to convert the ferry into a floating office and warehouse space at its shipyard after some modifications. In Aug 2024, Nelson Armas attempted to tow the 'Elwha' and 'Klahowya' to Ecuador after purchasing both from WSF. He hired four sailors to tow the ferries, but the towing equipment malfunctioned. The sale was cancelled and WSF returned the ferries to the Eagle Harbor Maintenance Facility on Bainbridge Island. The men alleged to the Seattle Seafarers Center that Armas left them with inadequate supplies, saying they did not have enough food or water and hadn't been paid. Eventually, the crew was deported by Customs and Border Patrol because their work permits were no longer valid. Armas denies the allegations of mistreatment.
Ferry sidelined due to propulsion trouble
The "Elwha" was taken out of service on July 11, 2015, for approximately four months due to a complicated electrical issue with the drive motor. Replacement parts were on hand and repairs are being made as quickly as possible in Eagle Harbor. Until further notice, the "Kitsap" continued to serve the Anacortes/San Juan Islands route through the end of the summer sailing season.
Ferry broke down in San Juans
Passengers on the "Elwha" were asked to put on life vests in the evening of Aug 17, 2014, after the vessel lost power in the San Juans due to a problem with the drive motor in the engine room. The Coast Guard escorted the ferry back to Anacortes. The staff kept anxiety levels down. The ferry "Kaleetan" temporarily replaced the "Elwha". Report with photos:
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