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Weser reached Hamburg
The German flagged, self propelled barge "Hanna", 844 ts (EU-No.: 05109340), which had been in collision with the "Weser", was refloated in the morning of Sep 11 and taken to a nearby berth. While the ship was lightered of part of its coal cargo which had been destined from Hamburg to Uelzen, divers were able to patch the leak in the bow with steel plates. The Elbe-Side-Canal was reopened for traffic once the ship was secured. The "Weser", 1358 ts (EU-No.: 04008980), which was carrying a cargo of 1.300 tons wheat proceeded to Hamburg and berthed at Finkenriek on Sep 11 at 7.40 p.m.
Weser holed in the bow
After the German flagged, self propelled barges "Hanna", 844 ts (EU-No.: 05109340; CS: DD7114; MMSI:211047114) and "Weser", 1358 ts (EU-No.: 04008980; CS: DA9293; MMSI:211508280), were in collision on the Elbe-Side-Canal near the L 232 Bridge at Bad Bevensen on Sep 10 at 9.15 a.m., the canal will have to remain closed for shipping until at least the foremidday of Sep 11. Dpozens of ships were queuing. The foreship of the "Hanna" was resting on the bottom, flooded by a leak of 1,5 x 0,4 meters. Before the ship may be salvaged, the 800 tons of coal will have to be lightered. The canal authority in Uelzen has ordered a dredger vessel from Braunschweig for this purpose. The work was due to start in the night. Once the "Hanna" is floating again, she will be taken to an emergency berth in a distance of 1,5 kilometers from the accident site and repaired so far that she may proceed to a yard. Also the "Weser" was holed in the bow, but less serious. Small amounts of spilt oil were recovered by the fire rescue Bad Bevensen. German report with photos, videos: http://www.ndr.de/nachrichten/niedersachsen/lueneburg_heide_unterelbe/Elbe-Seitenkanal-nach-Kollision-gesperrt,schiffskollision182.html https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TQmfrrY6210 http://www.lzplay.de/videos/2446-havarie-auf-dem-elbeseitenkanal-schiff-hanna-schlaegt-leck?t=2
Barge in collision near Bad Bevensen
In the morning of Sep 10, 2014, the German barge "Hanna", 844 ts (EU-No.: 05109340) was in collision with the "Weser", 1358 ts (EU-No.: 04008980), on the Elbe-Side-Canal near Bad Bevensen in the Uelzen municipality. The "Weser" which was carrying a cargo of 1.300 tons wheat suffered only slight damage, but the foreship of the "Hanna", which was carrying 800 tons coal, was flooded and submerged. A small amount of fuel spilt into the canal. Oil barriers were laid out by the fire brigage. Divers investigated whether the leak might be temporarily patched under water. The canal was closed for ship traffic between the ship lift Scharnebeck and the Esterholz lock until further notice. German reports with photos: https://www.ndr.de/nachrichten/niedersachsen/lueneburg_heide_unterelbe/Frachter-droht-auf-Elbe-Seitenkanal-zu-sinken,schiffskollision182.html https://www.landeszeitung.de/blog/lokales/188696-schweres-schiffsunglueck-auf-elbe-seitenkanal
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