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Perpetrators stole ship's stores
The crew of the 'Vishva Vikas' noticed that perpetrators had boarded the vessel and stolen ship's stores while the vessel was moored at the Beira anchorage in pos. 19 54 55 S, 035 04 59 E on July 16, 2023, at 10.30 a.m. UTC, A search was carried out by the crew, who didn't find any perpetrators still remaining on board. The theft was reported to the Port Control and the vessel's owner. BThe eira Port Control, Beira Port PFSO, and the Mozambique Flag Administration were also informed, who relayed the facts of the incident to MRCC Mozambique.
SCI takes delivery of bulker Vishva Vikas from STX Dalian shipyard
State-run Shipping Corporation today said that it has taken delivery of a supramax bulk carrier in its fleeth, IBNlive reports. Induction of the vessel christened MV Vishva Vikas takes the state-owned shipping major's total fleet to 76. Built by China's STX (Dalian) Shipbuilding, Vishva Vikas has a gross tonnage of 33,185 tonne and deadweight of 57,127.8 tonne, a SCI statement said. SCI had placed orders for six such supramax vessels with the Chinese shipyard and this is the fifth delivery, the statement said, adding the last vessel will be delivered next month. It has 27 vessels on order and 16 of them are scheduled for delivery this year.
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