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Repairs completed
Repairs of the "Bremen Fighter" have finally been completed at the Lloyd Yard in Bremerhaven, three months after having suffered propulsion damage in a wind park on July 1. The ship left the yard on Sep 29 ready for service.
Repair of propulsion after wire wrapped up around propeller
The "Bremen Fighter" had to be drydocked at the Mützelfeldt Yard in Cuxhaven for repairs of propulsion on July 1, 2016, after the ship was damaged during a manoever in a wind park off the Irish coast. A towing wire wrapped up around the propeller shaft when a crane ship was repositioned. The ship limped back to Cuxhaven with the remaining engine. During the recent two weeks the rudder, Propeller, shaft and gear were removed and transported to the manufacturers in Kiel and Hamburg for repairs. In the meantime the ship was towed to the yard quay. The owners hoped to have the repairs completed in October, the damage was estimated to be some 100000 Euros. German reports with photos: http://www.cn-online.de/stadt-land/news/schlepper-bekommt-draht-in-die-schraube.html http://www.cn-online.de/stadt-land/news/reparaturauftrag-fuer-muetzelfeldtwerft.html
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