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Tanker lightered and pulled off earlier than expected
The "Ulekrite", 1746 ts (EU-No.: 02333198), was lightered by the tanker "Scaletta" (MMSI:244650571), which had been called from Ludwigshafen, in the run of Aug 4. At 2 p.m. the highway 42 and the railway traffic on the right Rhine shore in Lorchhausen were closed until the salvage was completed. 35 houses were evacuated due to the danger of an explosion. The "Ulekrite" was secured by two tugs. Lightering started at 6 p.m. The ship was pulled away at 8 p.m., earlier than expected, after 300 tons cargo were pumped off. Rescue forces had been on Scene with 200 men. German reports with photos and video: http://www.hr-online.de/website/fernsehen/sendungen/index.jsp?jmpage=1&rubrik=5300&mediakey=fs%2Fhessenschau%2F2014_08%2F140804193543_hs_havarie_36421&type=v&jm=2&key=standard_document_52592309 http://www.wiesbadener-kurier.de/lokales/polizei/mit-gefahrgut-beladener-tanker-faehrt-sich-bei-lorchhausen-fest_14407874.htm http://www.swr.de/landesschau-aktuell/rp/tankschiff-auf-dem-rhein-freigeschleppt/-/id=1682/nid=1682/did=13924668/1jsdq8w/index.html https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=10203674370875089&set=gm.715770245171469&type=1&theater
Tanker grounded on the Rhine
In the afternoon of Aug 3, 2014, the "Ulekrite" became disabled by a fouled propeller and ran aground on the Rhine at river kilometer 542 near Lorchhausen. Tugs were dispatched to get the ship off the shore again. The tanker was loaded with 1300 tons dangerous goods, part of which was to be lightered on Aug 4 by the "Scaletta" after the attempts to refloat the ship failed. Photos: https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=10203668067597511&set=pcb.715256411889519&type=1&theater
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