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Schulpengat arrived at breakers in Ghent
In the early morning of Oct 31, 2018, the "Schulpengat" arrived at the Belgian recycling company Galloo. The Tferry that served for years between Den Helder and Texel had sailed via the Westerschelde and the Ghent Canal to Terneuzen to the breakers in Ghent. Waiting for a pilot for the Wester Scheldt, the trip to Flushing was delayed by hours. At 5.00 a.m. the ferry eventually passed the locks of Terneuzen. Dutch reports with photo and video:
Sold to breakers... Ghent with delivery date Oct 2018.
Ferry sidelined due to technical trouble
In the morning of Aug 6, 2016, the "Schulpengat" was struggling with a technical fault and was sidelined in Den Helder. The waiting time in Den Helder increased to 1 ½ hours while the ferry was out of service. The new ferry "Texelstroom" has also been struggling with defects. It was intended that theship would replace the ageing "Schulpengat" in 2015 and the ship would be sold. But for several times the date for the first regular sailing had to be postponed.
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