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Tanker boarded by intruders in Lagos
The "Two Million Ways" moored in position 06 16 29 N, 003 20 10 E, at Lagos anchorage was boarded by two robbers with plastic hoses, during its Ship to Ship (STS) operations, on Jan 7, 2019, at 03.20 a.m. The robbers connected the hoses to the ullage ports of the forward cargo tanks and attempted to steal cargo. The duty crew member noticed the robbers and raised the alarm resulting in the robbers fleeing the vessel and escaping. The incident was immediately reported to a Nigerian Navy patrol vessel, and they arrived at the location and carried out a security check in the surrounding waters. Nothing was reported stolen.
Medevac in Maas estuary
On Mar 15, 2016, at 07.31 a.m. a medevac was requested from the "Two Millions Way" off the Maas. The man had suffered throat problems, and a medevac was advised by the KNRM radio medical service. The KNRM-lifeboat "Jeanine Parqui" was tasked and went alongside the tanker at 08.12 in position 52⁰00.37 N 03⁰ 57 33 E. The patient was transferred aboard and taken to the Berghaven in Rotterdam where an ambulance was waiting. At 8.30 a.m. he was taken to the Leyenburg Hospital in Den Haag. Dutch report with photos and video:
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