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Perpetrators stole ship's items
The master of the 'MH Langoey' raised alarm and made a general announcement after confirming that three perpetrators had boarded the vessel in pos. 22 48 59 N, 070 01 4 E at the Kandla anchorage on Jan 19, 2023, at 3 p.m. UTC. Upon hearing the alarm, the perpetrators jumped into the water and escaped with stolen items (comprising of brass valves, stainless steel bolts, and nuts) in an unidentified small orange fishing boat. The Indian Coast Guard Ship 'C-401' was diverted to investigate the incident and arrived at 6.45 p.m. The Master reported the incident to Kandla Signal Station. Upon receipt of the report, the Kandla Signal Station advised the master to lodge a formal report. He was not willing to file any formal complaint with the local authorities about the incident in view of its commercial compulsions and next assigned commitments. The Kandla Signal Station broadcasted a security message, advising all stakeholders to alert the merchant traffic in the area and to enhance vigilance and adherence to the standard norms of security and SOPs, especially during night/dark hours to mitigate such incidents in the future. The tanker sailed from Kandla Anchorage on Jan 21, bound to Yanbu with an ETA as of Feb 1.
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